Auburn Events is a one stop shop for all event service needs ranging from venue and equipment rental, catering, bar services, advertising and event coordinators to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible with little stress added to the client. Auburn Events managed three different local event venues in Auburn, Alabama along with connections to hotels and venues all across the southeast. As creative coordinator I was responsible for not only branding and marketing the business itself but also each significant individual event. In my nine months as creative coordinator for Auburn Events I designed over 200 deliverables/digital ads and multiple websites to drive customers to our hosted events. Print deliverables range from 3x6 Banners, Posters, Flyers, Quarter Sheets, Table Tents, Yard Signs, Admission Tickets, Printed Tents/Table Covers, Koozies, Coasters, Hats, Shirts, billboards and even a floorplan/rendering brand strategy of a building. As Creative Coordinator I was responsible for designing, print order and budget, and working with event coordinators, sales team, and interns to make sure all deliverables were reaching maximum potential (poster placement throughout the cities, yard sign distribution, event banner placement, Social Media Marketing Strategy etc.). This was only one company I was creative coordinator for in the same time period. Being such a diverse range of items designed for such a variety of events I am going to limit it to my favorite projects and hope it is not too chaotic for you to look at. I will put a brief description of the event with the images.
My College Travel is a group travel agency that books transportation, hotel lodging, venue rental and anything in between for groups ranging from 40-400+ travelers! Some of the primary travel bookings were Formals, Large Game Weekends, and spring breaks trips.

My College Travel is a group travel agency that books transportation, hotel lodging, venue rental and anything in between for groups ranging from 40-400+ travelers! Some of the primary travel bookings were Formals, Large Game Weekends, and spring breaks trips. My mission was to bring a fun eventful awareness of planned trips and to create promotional material for the sales team to pitch to new groups.